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About UsIntroduction of Hangzhou Dunpai Chain Group Co.,Ltd

Group company attended Japan Tokyo mechanical fair together with German KOBO and EK company

   A few days ago,by the organization of Foreign trade dept of Donghua group ,it's branch company German KOBO and Japan EK attended the Tokyo mechanical fair with headquarters together.In this fair,Donghua group unitedly displayed various kinds of power products such as standard chain,agricultural chain,toothed chain,steel plant conveyor chain,escalator chain,bulk material conveyor chain,automobile engineering chain,food industry chain,wood processing chain,sewage treatment chain,tooling chain of machining center,welded crank chain and motorcycle chain with sealing ring etc.. which already attracts a lot of customers come to visit and talk from all over the world. The group head engineer,Mr. Yebin, Mr. Ma aihua,vice general manager and the foreign trade dept. Director,Mr.Wang weiqiang and sales representatives together warmly received all old and new global customers in the site.  This fair not only shows the brand image influence of "DONGHUA" in the international industry but also make the solid base for its further developing international market and get more market share in Japan and Asia in the future.


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